Brick, Mortar
and Magic




Business Operation





Where we started
Coming out of a pandemic that dramatically shifted brick-and-mortar into at-home experiences, Raydiant, called upon West to help position their brick-and-mortar platform into the current market. Raydiant’s core product (digital signage) was being misconstrued as “digital menu boards” for restaurants. The market’s understanding of the product wasn’t capturing their full suite, nor the opportunity across far-reaching industries and categories. 

West engaged with Raydiant following their Series B financing. Raydiant challenged West to find a brand architecture and new verbal and visual identities that could capture the breadth of the company’s products and uses. 
What we did
Raydiant needed a brand that would effectively communicate the impact the technology has on all kinds of brick-and-mortar organizations. West helped Raydiant step into a bigger vision as an “experience platform”, revolutionizing the customer experience for brick-and-mortar. 

Raydiant needed a brand architecture that could support the wide range of product use cases – a range that includes everything from restaurants to stores to airports to hotels. The West team developed a sub-brand architecture system that allowed every core category to flex, differentiate, and boldly participate as a core component of the greater brand. 
Where are they now
The new architecture and visual and verbal identities are now live in the world, having been adopted across all touchpoints including the new website. Raydiant has since partnered with Square to bring their experience platform to the point of sale in more locations. They raised $30 million of Series B funding in a deal led by 8VC and Atom Ventures in February 2022, and were most recently valued at $120 million. 

See where you can go with West.

West has over 12 years of experience working with venture-backed startups in nearly every B2C and B2B sector.

We know how to work under resource constraints and adapt to changing conditions. We focus on strategies that grow enterprise value in the eyes of the market and investors. We bring the rigor of a consulting firm to the creative process.

